
Hip Hop's Blunt Daze

Snoop Dogg speaks with High Times in 1999 about marijuana's positive benefits on the hip hop industry. Three years later, Snoop was awarded High Times' Stoner of the Year award. Here, Snoop talks about his beliefs regarding the peacefulness of potsmokers, the benefits of legalization, his own history of cocaine dealing and the detrimental effects of the drug on hip hop. Found via an article on 13 Classic Snoop Dogg Weed Smoking Moments at hailmaryjane.com Here's another track of mine, this one staying in theme with hip hop and ganja. It's a remix of the Carpenters' song "Rainy Days and Mondays" - originally worked on this beat years ago with a rapper and friend of mine and reworked the idea a few years later with another friend, musician and guitarist Timbo Slice (search for him on myspace to hear his tracks). Anyway, here it is, Rainy Haze:

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